Design Village Competition - Biologics
The concept behind this project was to design a structure that was capable of displaying the symbiotic relations between a sunflower and its structural components. The design replicates the functionality of a flower during the different stages of growth. This project was between four people including myself. The challenge of the competition was to assemble a structure that we would sleep in overnight and you could only use materials you could carry yourself to the site that was a mile away from the parking lot.
This competition took place May 2014.
Materials Used
The cover for the structure represents the petals of the flower and the movement that happens with the wind and the sun. PVC pipe represents the petals of the flower and the movement as well. Without the natural elements of the earth the petal would droop and not be able to have the petals function. Seat belts represents the leaves of the flower. The seat belt function as a sleeping area and will mold to the person laying on the seat belts, just like leaves act to the flower. Wood, 2X4, represents the core stem of the flower that holds up everything.